The One You Feed

2013/2014 Chey...

tfwhen ur feelin kinda angsty so u stand edgily in an alleyway next to the ghost of ur missing boyfriend's fursona but ur #Look gets compromised by the fact that ur ass is out

ghghgh basically what inspired this was I was cleaning up my files and i found this old sketch, titled "the one u feed" :

and i figured it was chey and the wolf and cat??? But...I'd totally forgotten what my initial intent for it was.

But based off the title + sketch i reimagined it and my current take on it is chey's internal battle when he was younger between his self-concept then vs his self-concept that he had with anarchy // anarchy's concept of him

and his decision to "feed" the version of himself he likes better (anarchy's 'version' of him)

also visually incorporating sort of the chaos/conflicting nature of his life then as well with his dance gear but his knife and his leather jacket,,,
sort of the way he was "stuck" bc he was using aspects of his true nature (like dancing and femininity) as a tool to feed his addiction, and in a traumatic capacity,, which was driving him from feeling safe in his truth,,, but aggression and standoffishness weren't serving him either and only isolated him from people who could help

ramble ramble basically i love chey his arc is wild